Women are fully human. We are fully alive with our own bodies and minds and souls and preferences. We are smart and creative. And, we must be trusted to make our own decisions about our healthcare and our bodies and our future—the same way men are trusted—implicitly—to make those same decisions for themselves. I want the other half of the “people” in this country to hear this and remember it.

We are headed in a terrifying direction. My daughters and granddaughters might have MANY less rights than I have enjoyed in my life. There are men and even women—in power currently—who want to take away women’s right to vote. They want to take away no fault divorce—so women can be trapped, again, in abusive marriages with no recourse. They have already fixed it so forced birth—even in cases of rape and incest—is happening at this moment, and they want to take it further and ban contraceptives.

If you go down this rabbit hole it ends with women having their rights completely stripped. With women being unable to have credit cards in their names (again). We won’t be allowed to own property or work outside the home or even get custody of our own kids in the rare case of a woman being allowed to divorce.

WAKE UP—especially those women who vote against their own best interests or who think having a big, strong, man in charge of everything sounds so cozy. I’m sure it does, until the day comes when those self-same sweet and cozy men tell you that you no longer need to think at all—silly female—and they’ll be making any and all future decisions for you. When they TELL you what to do and punish you for your sass—and no one cares. When you are told what you think and how you feel until the day comes when you begin to believe it. When you have no money of your own and absolutely no agency.

This is the future the GOP wants for women. This is what they are fighting for. This is not about saving babies—if it was, they would want to help those same babies after they were born—which they CLEARLY DO NOT. No, this is about controlling women. All women. Not just democrats, or liberals. Not just minority women. Not just poor women or uneducated women. They are coming for rich, thin, beautiful, blonde, white, GOP women with multiple Ivy League degrees as well.

Once our rights are gone they are gone. Who’s going to fight to give them back— men? We need to push back and fight NOW, for our lives. If we don’t, soon we won’t be allowed to have them anymore.